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Sunday, February 13, 2022

Robert Fleming

From the Kingfisher Archive

The Encounter

an orange tumbled

from a cart

on to my toe

bending down


came close to me

did they want


than an orange?

hoping they would

save me

from silence

they explained

they wouldn’t

because of PTA.

From the Kingfisher Archive

how to close family court

praise the prophylactic penis

not every cum does a child need to come

nor every germ shared

praise bringing when the bringer has something to bring

hallelujah no child support order because no child

next praise no divorce because no marriage

Emerging Monarch by Raundi Kai Moore-Kondo

Walt Disney World Haikai

Walt Disney World closed

Tinker Bell’s fairy dust sprayed

Walt Disney World opens

Tinker Bell brushing

butterfly wings brushed blue

flightless butterfly

imagineer block

Walt Disney’s ashes

a new magic land

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Angela M Franklin

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