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Friday, February 18, 2022

Mary Mayer Shapiro

From the Kingfisher Archive

Close Encounter:


While driving home, I picked up my cell phone to call home. It was only a moment my eyes were off the road. A rabbit ran in front of my car. I swayed to avoid the animal and t lost control of the car.

Close encounter.

I took a sip of my water and put it down, It was only a moment I took my eyes off the road. I almost went into the ditch.

Close encounter.

I adjusted the radio. It was only a moment my eyes were off the road. I swerved to the left and was in the wrong lane.

Close encounter.

My cell phone texts me. I went to text back and had to stop short or I would have hit the raccoon.

Close encounter.

My water bottle dropped and I reached to retain it. My eyes were not on the road. A deer ran across the road. I almost hit it.

Close encounter.

I drove into my driveway. Neighbor waved to me. I waved back and hit the garage door.



Driving is a privilege, not a right. Watch the road, beware of the environment, no alcohol or drugs, no distractions, attention to the road only.

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