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Sunday, February 20, 2022

R A Ruadh

Photo by Charles Ardinger


My great uncle was wise

in the ways of the woods

conducting our walks together

in right relationship with all that was

He gave me teachings

of this world and beyond

not all things are as they seem

although they are real enough

I learned to sit so still

that birds and other creatures

large and small and tiny

would assume I was the landscape

He taught me the lore

of the little people

their blessings and tricks

and not to look them in the eye

I learned about spirits

the shapes they might take

not to be afraid of the good ones

and how to interpret messages

One moonless night

as we watched the fireflies dance

I pointed politely with my chin

toward a floating orb over by the woodline

We held breathless still as another

joined it and then more in

glowing colours that had no names

courtly and sedate but not silent

They sang in a language I hadn’t learned

yet I understood their glimmerings

of things so ancient and eternal

I thought I had fallen into the sky

After awhile they flashed all at once

then disappeared as if they had never been

he sighed into a night

that was too quiet

It was then he told me

the Sight is given to few

and those who have it can

always see the will-o’-the-wisps

They had given me my gifts

knowing when a last journey is beginning

the touch for finding illness

a sense for what the healing may be

The years have passed

with them also my great uncle and

all my elders and more

I touch I heal I guide

I watch spirits rising from earthly limbs to the stars

walking the Milky Way in beauty

becoming that song I first knew

on the night of the will-o’the-wisps

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